Photo-Labrador Retrievers Gun Hunt training test.
Retriever Dogs
Retriever Dogs,  Labradors,Dog Kennel Boarding, Retriever Training, Gun Dog Training, Dog Training, Dog Breeding, Labradors for sale, Dogs for sale, Dog Rescue, Hunting Dog, Labrador Puppy Dogs, Dog Pet, Dog type Labradors Retrievers. Dog Obedience, Dog Breeders,  Black Labradors, Chocolate Labradors, Yellow Labradors
This page was last updated: February 24, 2025
226 Joe Berry Road  cornish Maine  03020
 text 207-749-3273
E-Mail:  New email address is:
Raising Labradors
Maranatha Farm Kennel is now located in Cornish Maine  at 226 Joe Berry Road
We still offer Bootcamp Training .... Some very basic Retriever Training 
and our Puppies ...

Please visit our Puppy page for that info   As we have some litters coming up

At the end of a hunt test.

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