This page was last updated: February 24, 2025
26 Junes Way
West Buxton, ME 04093-3251
Telephone: 207-929-5941
This Photo Album, (LEFT) will show a variety of pictures; some of our 2006 Started dogs that are now with Tampa Fire and Rescue.
Many pictures will show some of the things we do to work on building their confidence through our Agility set ups.
We are currently working on putting some pictures on reference our Retriever Training which doesn't start with our started dogs till they are 6 or 7 months of age.
Maranatha Kennels has many of which we call a Started dog may be just with Started dogs for sale that have gone through our Obedience program, and go out as Family Pets...or Family Pets "and" Gun Dogs for duck hunting or upland hunting in the Fall...."or"...we also train dogs for Wilderness or USAR work...along with Cadaver dogs....
Our Program is under going some nice changes for USAR and HRD dogs...for dogs being trained in 2012... Deposits being taken now to be on our waiting..please email us at
Training Programs started in 2007
We want to recognize and thank the Men and Women, that now have our "P" Dogs. Who are constantly in training so that others may Live!! Please see below: 40 Live find, 12 HRD, 4 for narcotics and 2 Bomb detection all which are now working a job.
Canada - Fire Dept.
Specializing in building collapses
To the left we called her "Proxy" a "Drug" - Detection dog on the Wells Police Depts ...Wells, Maine
to the right...we called him Preston, he is now on the Maine State Police as a "Bomb" - Detection dog
Massachusetts Task Force I
Above - Pivot Trained for work in Cadaver
We Believe ......that the Path to a Finished USAR or HRD or a Journey not a quick trip
Pennsylvania Task Force I
Alicia with K-9 Jack (aks Paco) (Cadaver) --- Kentucky
Different California Task Forces...ID under Picture
California Task Force 2 - Cadaver
California Task Force 2 - Cadaver
California Task Force 2 -- Cadaver
Reserved for one more for California Task Force 2 in 2016
Merrill Investigations --- CadaverDetection
Reserved for One More for California 4 for 2016
Maranatha Kennels L.L.C
cell - 207-749-3273
226 Joe Berry Rd
Cornish, Maine 04093
"New email"