This page was last updated: February 24, 2025
MHR HRCH  Maranatha "Pilgrim" Kerales MH WCX
 With Daughter...
Maranathas Promising "Petra" SH WCX
Many People ask, "What is Force Fetch"?   Here are a couple of pictures of the starting steps done in our Training Room. Primarily we are working to "teach" the dog the CUES of FETCH, HOLD, and OUT.  Training starts out on the Table and once cues are learned, the process goes into other stages of training.  Force Fetch is "ONLY" done for people that are actually going to be "Hunting"  or "competing" with their dogs, not so they can fetch a toy.
Dogs, are taught the importance of "Marking"; cue for look "out for the action".  And to "remember" so they can do multiple pick ups;  6 months and more of training.
Now that the hard work has been completed she has turned out to be a Fine Master Hunter, and a wonderful companion with actual Duck Hunting, and Upland Hunting experience.J
Promise....Taking her job seriously - she is working in an advanced level.... looking for signals for her Water "Blind".
Testing at Training...
White is worn in early training.  All things are done to "help" young dogs in training. Everything is broken down.  Here we are working on "Marks" with this young dog.  This is why Stephen is walking away.  One mark has been thrown, and now we will build distance for her second mark (and so forth).
One of the dogs that came for our 3 month Program...this program was set up for her to compete in a AKC Hunt Test which she did and went 4 for 4 to earn her JH title, her name is Tamai
Pledge working on his Master Hunter Title
Upland Hunting is something we do here as well.
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cell # 1-207-749-3273
What an advanced dog looks like once the cue, "Mark" is given, (to the dog, the cue Mark, means pay attention, something is about to happen
Dana, ....A Junior Hunter level dog
Welcome to Maranathas Retriever Training Page:

Retriever Boot-Camp:
This Program will require that dogs new to Maranatha Farm Kennels are here for a 3 month Period.

Our Retriever Boot-Camp program will include all basics:  Obedience, force fetch, collar conditioning, casting drills for handling on basic blind work, pile work, and teaching marking on land and water.  Other water work will also be done, such as intro to decoys,  and exposure to guns.

+++ Please note, that this is what we will be working doesn't mean that "all" dogs will be able to accomplish all of this in the 3 months will depend on trainability, age, and prior training.  Sometimes additional time is required, to get them up to speed and performing at the level the owner desires...We will be constantly evaluating your pup/dog as we go through the program, and will advice you on how your dog is doing.

 Dogs that have already been through our programs, can come back for "continued" work to build on the foundation that has already been built.  Training time will depend on what needs to be worked on.

Price of Retriever Boot-Camp is $650.00 per month.  There is a 3 month minimum commitment for dogs new to the program.  Payment due the 1st of each month.   There will be additional fees for live flyers in the last part of the program.

Dogs that will do best in our Programs will be :

1) Labrador Pups sold from Maranatha Farm Kennels  (See below -)

2) Pups/Dogs  (Breeds will vary)...with pedigrees that have many working dogs in the pedigree, 
    ...look at your pedigree, and look for FC, AFC, CFC, 
    CAFC, JH, SH, MH. And "other" working titles...  To name a few.

To inquire about signing your dog up for the a program in the 2022  Season, please give us a e-mail.
Puppy training
Pledge returning from a Blind Retreive
Returning from  from a Water Blind
Retriever Training
Summer water training 2011, Brother and Sister 5 months of age...lots of desire here!!
Many hours with a Good Basic Training program...brings sweet rewards....
When selecting a puppy for a future hunting companion or running in a FT or sure to select from Pedigrees that show a lot of working dogs in the background of your puppy...Puppy from the right pedigree, then add a good training program you should see nice desire and drive.
Plenty of Room for all our dogs to visit all our Training Grounds