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Maranatha Farm Kennels
Album:  Obedience
8Obedience Training
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Here at Maranatha Farm Kennels, when it comes to the "training" of dogs, whenever we see a need, we have always tried to fill it ...

We put up a special building to fill the following needs:

one  we had in mind, was to add a Program of "Obedience Classes".

We also have on-going now,  a Program we call a "Boot Camp" style Program, whereby dogs come here for 30 days;  it has been working  so well, we are going to continue it.  

We found we were not able to reach many of you that just need a "helping" hand to either get started with a young pup, or to polish off a behavior that you might be having trouble with.  Subsequently, the reason why we are adding classes this Fall.

Boot Camp Obedience Program:  
Because we found this program worked very well we plan to continue it, but with some small changes; training time frame, price, and home visits.

4/Weeks (or thirty days)
Price:  $600.00
(payable when dropping off your dog)
Home Visits:  We like to do at the end...to make sure that everyone is comfortable with what the dog has learned and is going to be able to be continued at home..

"All" training will be "Basic" Training:  Come, Sit, Sit/Stays, Down, Down/Stays, Heeling, teaching "Position" etc. Includes our Boot camp program.... For these Classes we won't be doing any competitive Obedience training's at this time.

    Basic  Obedience             Done through our Boot camp programs - now

     We are currently "ONLY" doing Bootcamp programs for training...Puppy and adult ages...more info below on our Bootcamp program...

 (207) 749-3273

Email us...for more information reference our Bootcamp Program
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